Legal Disclosures

Disclosure 1

FYNTRA is purely a SaaS provider for B2B clients and their users of self-custodial wallets consisting of third-party integrations of licensed and regulated financial and crypto institutions which provide services.

Disclosure 2

The self-custody wallets provided by FYNTRA Fintech AG are “non-custodial” wallets, which means that FYNTRA Fintech AG nor any of it B2B White Label customers have access to the USERS’S private key and have no power or possibility to dispose over the USERS’ ASSETS

Disclosure 3

The Centralized Liquidity pools ARE provided SOLELY by A partner network of regulated and licensed crypto exchanges. The USER is in a direct commercial and regulatory relationship directly with the regulated entity, accessing its services through the Platform’s user interface.

Legal Jurisdiction

Principality of Liechtenstein


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